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The Open-Air Museum of Architecture and Ethnography

The Open-Air Museum of Architecture and Ethnography was formed as a branch of the Moscow Region Local History Museum in the 1970s. At present it is Architecture and Ethnography Department of the Museum. Four wooden structures, brought from different places, are grouped near the Novy Jerusalim Monastery.

Museum of Wood Architecture. The Church.

The Church of Baptism was brought from Semyonovo Village of Pushkin District in Moscow Region (Ill. - Wooden Church, 0048). The Church was constructed in 1673, badly damaged in the 19th century and reconstructed by Architect B.P. Zaitsev, when it was transferred to the Museum. It is a cage - type church characteristic of Moscow Region. Its main part is a rectangular frame. The icons from the Church were sent to the Moscow Rublev Museum of Old Russian Art in 1966.

The Chapel from Sokolniky Village in Chehkov District has not been preserved in its original appearance. It burnt in 1976. In the Museum the Chapel was reconstructed by the dimensions of the foundation and surviving photographs. Like all monuments of wooden architecture, the Church was surrounded by subsequent structures. Architect D.Ya. Strarchevsky reconstructed the original appearance of the 18th century by analogies.

Museum of Wood Architecture. Peasant house.

Peasant farm from Vykhino of Lyubertsy District. The farm of Kokorins (last owners) was constructed in the 1830s - 1840s, then changed as time went on. In the Museum it was reconstructed by Architects B.P. Zaitsev and D.Ya. Starchevsky. The farm is a traditional peasant dwelling with an open yard. The original roof without nails was reconstructed. The house is a complex of premises including a warm house, passage, chamber. The warm house is divided into two part: a living room and a kitchen. The Russian stove occupies a large part of the house. The ethnography exhibits reconstruct peasant everyday life of the second half of the 19th century. The passage connects the chamber with the warm house. In winter it contained utensils, in summer it was used as a living room. In the chamber of Kokorins' farm spinning and weaving implements are displayed.

The Wind Mill from Kochemlevo Village of Kashinsky District in Tver Region was used until 1950s. It has a tent on the top (only the upper part turns together with the wings). The architectural forms and technical equipment permit to refer the monument to the second half of the 19th century. All parts of the frame and working mechanism were reconstructed in the process of restoration.

The Ethnography Funds comprise over 2.5 thousand items - objects of folk everyday life and works of art, tools, utensils, costumes, head-dresses, decorations. The main part of this collection was formed before the war of acquisitions of the ethnography expeditions in Voskresensk (now Istra) District and exhibits of the former Museum of the Central Industrial Area passed in 1935. The collection of ethnographic materials, damaged during the Great Patriotic War, was supplemented by the expeditions organized in Moscow, Ryazan and Penza Regions.

The ethnography collection comprises remarkable specimens of folk costumes, embroidery, head-dresses. The collection also includes urban costumes of manufactured textiles. Kerchiefs, shawls of cotton, silk and wool complete the costumes. There are also objects of wood, metal, ceramics - wooden tableware, throughs, baskets, pots, milk pots, tools.

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