Altai State Regional Studies Museum. Fragment of a fencing
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Museums of Altai

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Altai State Regional Studies Museum. View from a street by I.I. Polzunov

Altai State Regional Studies Museum

Date of  foundation - 1823
Museum fund - 152 300 pcs.
Attendance -125 000 visitors per year

A museum's building is a monument of architecture, history and culture of middle XIX centure. In 1851 it was built the Central chemical laboratory of the Altai district, a building of which was transfered to the museum.

A staff of experienced associates headed by Director Leonova Lidiya Nicolaevna, an Honoured Culture Worker of Russia works in the museum. The Altai State Regional Studies Museum  is a Regional Polzunov prize laureate.
Fund department
Collections which have existed since the moment of museum foundation refer to a particularly valuable part of the museum fund. They include historical-technical, mineral collections, collections of drawings, maps and books. Arheological, ethnografical, numesmatic collections and collected works on history of stone-cutting are of great scientific importance. A photocollection has been formed since the end of XIX - beginning of XX centure. A documentary fund displays the most interesting events from the history of Altai of XVII-XX centures.
    From a arheological collection of museum
    Wares from the Altai silverRare books
    Russian costumes
    Museum exhibits
Nature department
Expositions and exhibitions reveal the beauty and variety of Altai nature as well as ecological problems. Animal and birds worlds are represented here. Diaramas "Deciduous taiga", "Foreststeppe reserve" arouse interest in adults and children. Natural resources of the region are depicted in such sections as "Water resources", "Relief, geology, minerals" etc.
Historical department
The peculiarity of Altai history is revealed in such expositions and exhibitions as "Altay in ancient times", "Developing of Altai by the Russians", "Development of mining. XVIII - XX c.", "From history of trade and enterprise. End of XIX c.- beginning of XX c.", "Altai: from the ethnografy of the indigenous population, old residents, migrants". 
Military-historical department
In 1991 this department started its functioning with opening of the Mourning Hall and an exposition devoted to the fellow-townsmen killed in Afganistan. An exposition "In labour and in battle" that narrates about the heroism of our   fellow - townsmen at war  and home fronts was opened in honour of 50-years of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. These expositions as well as numerous exhibitions of the department are devoted to a Russian Soldier. 

The department is situated in a building that is a historical monument of the beginning of XX c., a former city hospital building. 

Department for work with visitors
It provides educational activity of the museum. Annually more than 1300 excursions, meetings, celebrations are being held by research assistants of the museum.
Methodical department
The Altai State Museum of Regional Studies is a regional methodical center. It deals with seminars and consultations for assosiates of museums of regional studies, forming of a data base "In the museums of the Altai region", keeping the data of the state statistic accounts.
Scientific library
The scientific library of the museum is the largest storehouse of books on regional studies and methodical literature on museology in the region.

Welcome to museum

Working hours:

Museum is open daily from 10AM till 5PM
Rest-days:  Monday, Tuesday
Military - historical department Rest-days:  Sunday,  Monday

Our address:
The Altai State Regional Studies Museum
46, ul. Polzunova, Barnaul, 656043, Russia
The military-historical department 
of the Altai State Regional Studies Museum
76, pr. Komsomolsky, Barnaul, 656099, Russia
Telephone: ( 3852 ) 234551 , 234758 , 380041
Fax: ( 3852 ) 234551

E-mail: agkm@

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