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Hall of Russian painting of the early 20th century.

ost addresses: 142206, Moscow Region, Serpukhov, Chekhov street, 87, the Serpukhov History and Art Museum.

142200, Moscow Region, Serpukhov, Krasnaya Gora, "Trinity Cathedral"- a branch of SHAM.

Leading staff members:

Shilov Victor Valentinovich, Tel.: (095) 592-9492

Chief curator
Bykova Tatyana Mikhailovna, Tel.: (095) 592-9491

Scientific secretary
Grafina Tatyana Mikhailovna, Tel.: (095) 592-9491

Chief of the scientific propaganda department
Shibayeva Anna Vladimirovna, Tel.: (27) 35-2670

reception(fax) (27) 35-1753

"Trinity Cathedral" (27)72-2859.

Copyright (c) 1999 The Serpukhov History and Art Museum


Copyright (c) 1999 Музеи Подмосковья