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Volkova Elena Andreevna. b. 1915. Moscow
Born in Ukrainian town of Chuguev, lived in Siberia, in Moscow since 1978. Didn’t attend school, learned to read and write on her own. Worked as a nurse, as a seamstress. From her childhood enjoyed modelling in clay, embroidering, painting the fairy-tale beasts and flowers with self-made paints. Since 1965 is constantly painting. Works without preliminary sketches, using her imagination, starts from the middle of the canvas. «When I first saw how the brush gave birth to the images, I couldn’t help crying of happiness», - the artist remembers. Frequently paints still-life compositions, in the last years prefers animal painting, making «the portraits» of birds, fish, and animals. In the opinion of the leading Russian experts Volkova is among the 10 best Russian naive painters.
Birthday of a Nestling. 1975
Oil on cardboard. 50 õ 70
Signed and dated, bottom right: Åëåíà Âîëêîâà. 1975 ã.
SVSHAAMR (Suzdal’) Inv. Â-19971
