Spiritual Pharmacy

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Unknown artist of the mid-XIX century

Guslitsky Centre.

Spiritual Pharmacy

Paper, ink, pencil, tempera, gold. 58,3 х 49,2

Title: Аптека духовная. 6 lines of text, lower: Прииде мних во врачебницу и виде врача зело премудра, к нему же мнози прихождаху различныя неду<...> на блюдо разсуждения. Причастися лжицею покаяния, и наречешеся чадо света, и будеши причастнии вечныя жизни.

Inv. 52789/ИIII хр-12743

Purchased in 1921 from А.А. Bakhrushin.
Depicted are a monk and a doctor, conversating inside «the hospital», there is a table, on which one can see the whole set of objects, necessary to make the medicines and a lit stove. The parable about a doctor healing from the sins was borrowed from the opus «Lekarstvo dukhovnoye» («Spiritual Medicine»), translated into Russian in the late-XVII century.
