About Mary-maid and Her Posthumous Appearance to Her Father. 1904-1905

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Kalikina Sofia.

Early XX century painter. Vologda Centre

About Mary-maid and Her Posthumous Appearance to Her Father. 1904-1905

Tempera and ink on paper. 34,9 х 43,7

The title: Пишет учитель кесариийский в книзе своей лествице. 8 lines of the text below: Яко во области архиепископа Колонскаго бысть сие страшное видение. Некии человек именем Иоан, имея у себе дщерь едину Марию ю же зело любляше<...> ная за украшение прелестное. В персех гвоздие и нозе прикованы за обымание, змий сосет за погубление детей, смолу пию за блудную похоть, и сие изрекши невидима бе. Inscription with the pencil on the reverse side of the canvas: Иллюстрация к тексту Софьи Каликиной в 1904-1905 г.

Inv. 67591/ИIII хр-24429

Entered the collection in 1928 along with other materials brought by the SHM expedition to Vologda.
The picture illustrates a parable from Synodic (Death Bill), which tells about the punishment of the Mary-maid in the Hell. Father knew her as a virtuous girl, but indeed she was a whore and killed the babies in many different ways. She concealed this sin at the confession. In his vision father saw Mary tortured by the snakes, holding a burning vessel, with glowing pan on her head, riding a chariot with two harnessed dragons.
