In the Tyutchevs, family correspondence "the park" meant a woody part of the estate crossed by ravines and overgrown with nut-tree and fern. The area close to the house where different fruit-trees And bushes grew, was called the garden. The apple-trees are mixed with gooseberry bushes; to the north grew the raspberry and the blackcurrant bushes, and strawberry plantations were located near the church.
In Boratynsky's time there were two fruit greenhouses, a hothouse for pineapples and a flower conservatory. In the park there still are several trees that date back to the early 19th century; until recently there was a century-old birch near the path towards the outbuilding.
In the time of the Engelgardts in Muranovo there was a peach greenhouse, rebuilt in 1869 (today it doesn't exist). One could walk there through the rose path that began at the northern facade of the main house and was continued by a path of weeping birches. The northern and the southern stalls of the house were decorated with beautiful flower-beds. Tubs with flowers stood on the northern balcony. The main house was surrounded by bushes of jasmine and honeysuckle.
A lime path, which was typical of a Russian 19th century estate was set in the 1880s by I.F. Tyutchev. Nearby is the Children's house built by I.F. Tyutchev for his children. A lawn behind the house was occupied by a bowling alley.
To the right of the ravine is the house church built in 1878 on the basement of an old granary. The church was consecrated as Spas Nerukotvorny (a church holiday on August 16/29).
The icon of Spas Nerukotvorny in the outer icon-case was ordered by I.F. Tyutchev. His wife Ernestine wrote in her diary (June 14, 1879): "the small church is charming. There is a priest who lives here on Ivan's maintenance". All the buildings in the estate and outside had to be consecrated. Often the services were carried out by members of higher orders of the clergy. Special services were held on regal holidays and on name-days of the inhabitants of Muranovo.
After a liturgy and a prayer sang by a children's choir a tea party in the main house or in the wing was held, and the children from the village were gifted.
Every year on July 15, the anniversary of Tyutchev's death, a requiem was held. On June 10, 1910 E.I Tyutcheva and V.I. Pigarev were married here.
Near the eastern wall of the church are the graves are the graves of the son and the grandson of the poet: Ivan Feodorovich (died in1909) and Nikolai Ivanovich (died in 1849). Here in 1984 was buried the last director of Muranovo from the Tyutchev dynasty - K.V. Pigarev.
In 1879 I.F. Tyutchev built a wooden wing for his mother Ernestine in the northeastern part of the park. There she spent summers. Ernestina wrote to her cousin C. Pfeffel about the new "pretty wooden house on an brick basement, which is equipped with perfect ovens, decorated by balconies and is really comfortable.
In Muranovo the poet's widow was preparing the publication of her husband's complete works. She translated Tyutchev's biography written by Aksakov into French.
Near Ernestine's wing there was a little house which was used as a kitchen.
To the west of the main house there was a household yard that was concealed by a fence of hawthorn. Once there were different buildings in the yard: the ironing house, the coachman's house, the coach-house and the Granary.
From the southern side of the main house there is a beautiful view of nearby pond and the hills (lately there was the road to Moscow).