
Interior with "centipede" table.

Set "Egoist".
Meissen porcelain in the rococo style.

The Dining Room

White columns that frame a bay in the depth of the room create the extravagancy of the architectural ensemble of the Dining Room. Between the columns there is a Ward clock in a case of mahogany. A lot of such clocks famous for their exactness were brought to Russia during the reign of Catherine II.
Some of the other items also date back to the late 18th cent. These are, for instance, rare engravings by Chessky (the palace in Gatchina) and Galaktionov (the Marelis palace in Peterhof).
The interior is supplemented with paintings. Among them is a ceremonial portrait of the heir to the throne Pavel Petrovich and his wife Maria Fedorovna painted by A. Rocelain in 1775-1777. Together with the portrait of Catherine II in the Green Sitting-Room the Empress donated it to A. Osterman, a statesman and a grandee in whose family Tyutchev's mother was raised.
In the Dining Room there also is a portrait of A.A. Boratynsky, the poet's father, who made an outstanding career in the time of Paul I. He is represented in a military costume with the order of St. Anne and the order ribbon.
A decoration of the room is a crystal chandelier in the shape of a "basket", which was made in Russia in the late 18th cent.
Numerous porcelain, faience and glass items stored in a large cupboard tell us about the destination of this room. The most interesting exhibit of the collection is a faience dish that probably was made on the Grebenschikov's factory. A single person dinner-service ("The Egoist "), a two-person tea set ("Tete-a-tete") and a service decorated with turquoise are considered to the early Mason articles.
Since the time of Boratynsky in the room there is a round "centipede" table. On the table there is a soup tureen of the early 19th cent. It stands on a firm saucer and represents the completeness of life in the estate.


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