The Lobby
The Lobby opens a suite of rooms in the southern facade. Unpretending oak and fir furniture of the mid-19th century creates a feeling of comfort and refined simplicity.
The room is decorated with old engravings and lithographs. They represent the heroical history of Russia, which greatly influenced national self-consciousness of the generation of Boratynsky and Tyutchev. There is an interesting allegorical portrait of Peter the Great in the engraving by a famous icon-painter A. Zubov. There also are several colored engravings of the early 18th century, copied from the original ones by P.D. Martin. One of them represents a battle of June 30, 1709 when the Russian army gained a final victory over the Swedish troops, and the second one depicts a sea battle of July 27, 1714 between the Russian and Swedish fleets.