Алтайский государственный краеведческий музей. Фрагмент ограды
The sections is prepared with the support of the OSI "Assistance fund"
About museum

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Exhibitions Expositions Collections

Akinfy Demidov 
and Altai
Altai - Russian 
tsars' patrimony

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Educational programs

Museums of Altai

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Akinfy Nikitich Demidov. Photo from a portrait
A. N. Demidov ( 1678 - 1745 )
A Russian businessman, a founder of  the mining industry in Altai
Akinfy Demidov and Altai

In XVIII - XIX c Altai was one of the leading mining centres of Russia and the world. A great bulk of Russian silver was produced here. Copper, gold, minerals were also mined.

The beginning of mining in Altai, foundation of Barnaul and many other interesting events are closely connected with the name of Akinfy Demidov.

    The exhibitions presents such sections as:
Autors: Abramova Yu. A., Ivanov E. Yu., Padalkina O. V., Popova I. V
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