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Historical monuments of Smolensk in photos of the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century.
Historical monuments of Smolensk in photos of the endof the XIX - beginning of the XX ñentury.

This section includes photos of memorable places in Smolensk, which are connected with events of 1812. In this section you can find rare photoshots with the city views of the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century. The authors and creators of this site express their special thanks to Dmitry Gnutov for the photo materials for this article.

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In the center of this snapshot - Nadvratnaya church constructed on remnants of Dneprovsky gates of the Smolensk fortification wall. On the second level of the church there was a balcony with columns. From it, according to some sources, the French emperor by his own hand had put the end to furious resistance of Russian chasseur. (Snapshot of the end of the XIX century).
Zadneprovie. Right coast of Dnepre. On the snapshot you can see ruins of the bridge which situated on this place in 1812 and served as a ferry to the Russian troops during their leaving of the city. Right here, on this place holded the defense Russian chasseur among the broken-down trunks of trees preventing the French from crossing Dnepre and pursuing the Russian army. This feat of the Russian hero was embodied by the artist of the Great Army Faber du Four. (Snapshot of the beginning of XX century).
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One of the the city's central streets. You can see the two-storeyed building from the right. This is governor's house constructed even in the XVIII century. During the assault of Smolensk by the French this building was not disturbed at all, and according to some urban sources, emperor Napoleon selected it for his stop in the undertaken city. He stayed in it during his departure from Russia. (Snapshot of the beginning of the XX century).
On these photos you can see one of the five bastions of the "Royal bastion" - place of fierce combats of the soldiers of the Sofisky infantry regiment with the units of the Third infantry corps of the Great Army. (You can find more detailed information in the section «Royal bastion»). (Snapshot of the end of the XIX century).
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On this snapshot you can see a top of one of these bastions of the "Royal bastion". In the end of the XIX century on the place of the anciente earthwork there was a urban park - the favorite vacation place of the townspeople till today. You can see one of the park's pavilions on this snapshot. (Snapshot of the end of the XIX century).
Inside of the Royal bastion. In the distance you can see remains of the town wall and part of earthworks, which was partial raized in the end of the XIX century for the walking convenience of the townspeople in the park. This part of the bastion maintained the main impact of the Third infantry corps of the marshal Ney. (Snapshot of the end of the XIX century).
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Nadvratnaya church of Molochovsky (Malachovsky) gates was a place of fierce combats with the units of the First infantry corps of the marshal Davout. In 1936 this church was demolished for the urban transport convenience. (Snapshot of the end of the XIX century).
Blonie. Small park in the downtown. The park was established here in 30th of the XIX century on the place of the parade-ground near the governor's house. In 1812 the bivouac of the Old Guards of the emperor Napoleon was arranged on the parade-ground. (Snapshot of the beginning of XX century).
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Molochovsky gates (view from town). During one of furious attacks the French succeded to enter into the town through the gates, but in this decisive moment for both parties on the place, covered with corpses, the reinforcement came to the Russians. After the bloody combat the soldiers of the First infantry corps were dislodged to the rest of the town wall and took cover behind the burning houses which began in 100 - 150 meters from the town wall. (Snapshot of the end of the XIX century).

2000, Internet - project «1812 year». The text compiler Michael Goidin. Translation by Maxim Gontcharov.